
GNU Compiler collection, gcc, gfortran etc. Default is gcc 

version 4.4.7


Higher gcc version 4.8.2 is available for compilation by 



$ scl enable devtoolset-2 bash then use the newer gcc 

version for compilation by default.


Intel compilers, icc, ifort they can be accessed setting the environment variable using the command source 

/opt/soft/share/intel/bin/ intel64 or you 

may add this line to the end of your ~/.bashrc file


source /opt/soft/share/oneapi/compiler/latest/env/ 


intel64 to .bashrc or executing on the terminal compile the code with icc nameprogram.c -o nameprogram -qopenmp

Parallel Environments and compilers CUDA

nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver

Cuda compilation tools, release 8.0, V8.0.61

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/soft/share/cuda-8.0/bin

for accessing cuda compiler


There are few choices of mpi, please select appropriate environment.


The MPI installation directory is /opt set appropriate path for accessing parallel libraries

for example

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/soft/share/openmpigcc/bin

will set your MPI directory to openmpi compiled with Intel compiler


other choices are



MATLAB – The software matlab which is purchased by IIT Mandi is available in the cluster from the location


you may edit your .bashrc file to add line

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/soft/share/matlab/bin

which add this path permanently to your account.

Please let me know you have any difficulty in running matlab using job submission file.  You may use full path to matlab


in submission scripts

SAGE – compiled using Intel Compilers located at /opt/sage-4.7.2-linux-64bit

NAMD located at /opt/NAMD_CVS-2012-01-16_Linux-x86_64

GROMACS located at /opt/bio/gromacs —-using gnu compiler /opt/icr/gromacs-4.5.3 —–using intel compiler

OpenFOAMLAMMPS ,PythonMatlabLIGGGHTS are also available at /opt/soft/share/

Singularity containers can also be launched on the cluster from /opt/soft/share/singularity/bin/

ANSYS 22R2  can also be launched on the cluster from /opt/soft/share/Ansys22R2  (Read Me

Please note that we do not take requests for software installation on the cluster. We encourage you to develop your own Singularity containers (similar to dockers) on your local machine and use them to launch your software on the HPC cluster. Please see the Singularity documentation for further details.




Torque (updated openPBS)/MAUI