School of Computing and Electrical Engineering (SCEE) at IIT Mandi has received recommendation on a five-year project from Department of Science & Technology, Fund for Improvement of S&T, (DST-FIST) to strengthen the teaching and research facilities in the School. Considering the status of the S&T in the universities and related academic institutions which are in dire need of funding to strengthening the existing S&T infrastructure support with adequate funding and associated flexibility, Government of India in the year 2000 had announced a major new initiative titled "Fund for Improvement of S&T infrastructure in universities & higher educational institutions (FIST)". For more information on DST-FIST. See
The recommended research facility with maximum allowed budget are Real-time digital simulator (200 Lacs) and Wind turbine with HIL Simulator (35 Lacs). Real-time digital simulator is one of the important elements of a modern state-of-the-art electrical engineering laboratory which is expected to facilitate, teaching and research on
IIT Mandi envisions to set-up a Real Time Simulation lab facility that is easily scalable, affordable and easy to maintain by local teams and that keeps pace with the evolution of computer technologies. Apart from Power System Applications, this simulator is also expected to facilitate real-time simulation of Hybrid vehicle Engine, Fuel cell based micro grids, Gasoline Engine, Hybrid Drive train Simulations etc. Additionally, the Real Time Simulation labs can be expanded to address more complex power system network simulation in real time. It will also communicate with the smart constant power appliances, smart meters, and embedded controls on the power converters provided with the hybrid renewable sources. The communication needs to be two-way to facilitate data acquisition and control command transfer to the device level controls.
Renewable Energy sources like wind and solar power have become global research topics. Driven by dual objectives of reducing both greenhouse emissions and dependence on fossil resources, a number of privately and publicly funded research projects are ongoing at research centers and universities across India. SCEE, IIT Mandi is interested in establishing an experimental set-up for widely installed configuration of wind turbines i.e. Doubly-fed Induction Generator (DFIG) with bi-directional power electronics converters and real-time controller.