Report of the Kakodkar Committee

Report of the Committee appointed by MHRD to recommend autonomy measures to facilitate IITs scaling greater heights.The Committee has looked into various issues in the context of the terms of reference given to the committee, consulted a broad range of stake holders specially the Directors of IITs and representative faculty and had the benefit of a discussion in the IIT Council. The committee is convinced that, given the demographic advantage that we have, the need to create conditions that can bridge the aspiration gap for our youth and the importance of knowledge and innovation in our inclusive economic growth; there is a pressing need to create and expand our education-research-technology-innovation- entrepreneurship eco-system in the country. IITs are presently at the right stage to create and nurture such an environment on a significant scale. IITs can also facilitate extension of such environment to other domains in the country at an appropriate stage.This requires a strategy to take IITs to greater level of excellence and relevance. The Committee has approached its mandate from this perspective.

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