Three day lecture program on Mathematical Modeling and Data Analysis in Biology, 29 Oct

    The growing applications of mathematics in biology have attracted many researchers across the globe in the recent times. To analyse the real-time data and draw concrete conclusions to help health agencies and other government bodies to plan different policies for the prevention of diseases is a very challenging task.

    To have a rigorous understanding of methods and application in biology, Mathematics faculty of IIT Mandi have organised a three days lecture program on mathematical modeling and data analysis in biology (funded by SERB) from 27th Oct to 29th Oct 2014 under National Network for Mathematical & Computational Biology (NNMCB).

    The lecture program was attended by total 57 bright and motivated students pursuing science, and engineering courses at the under-graduate, postgraduate and Ph.D levels. These participants are from H.P., J&K, Punjab and nearby states. One of the main objectives of the program was to promote research in small towns in these states.

    The lecture program was inaugurated by honourable Director of IIT Mandi Prof T. A. Gonsalves . In his inaugural speech Prof. Gonsalves threw light on systematic development of biology and computational biology. The program was graced by speakers like Prof. Somdatta Sinha (IISER, Mohali), Prof. Sitabhra Sinha (IMSc Chennai), Dr. Malay Banarjee (IIT Kanpur), Prof. Govindan Rangrajan (IISc Banglore), Prof. D. C. Gautam (HPU Shimla), Dr. Vikram Singh (CUHP Dharamshala), Dr. Ashis K. Mitra (NCMRWF Delhi) , Dr. Syed Abbas (IIT Mandi), Dr. Rajendra Ray (IIT Mandi), Dr. Manoj Thakur (IIT Mandi), Dr. Mulim Malik (IIT Mandi) and Dr. Sarita Azad (IIT Mandi).

    The program covered wide range of topics like modeling of data in biology, biological networks and applications, introduction to differential equations, ODE models in mathematical ecology: analytical findings, impact of recent biotechnological developments: human cloning, numerical methods: an application to blood flow, Granger causality with applications to neuroscience, applications in data mining, introduction to data mining and data analysis with applications, numerical modeling and forecasting of monsoons.
