Second workshop on Civil Engineering, 8th, Oct

    Civil constructions namely roads, buildings , bridges and tunnels etc in hilly region have always remained a challenge for the civil engineers. The civil engineering educations are to be imparted and researches are to be carried out for safe and customised solutions meeting all the socio-economic, climate and engineering requirements (geotechnical , structural and material, energy, water management etc ) of the region.

    Aiming these goals, the workshop on civil engineering was organised on 7th and 8th October 2014, at IIT Mandi. This workshop was in a sequel of the first brainstorming workshop on civil engineering held on 19th April 2014 in which experts broadly identified the issues related to hilly region.

    Prof. V S Raju, Former Director of IIT Delhi was chairman of the workshop. The workshop was attended by Prof. Balthasar Novak , an esteemed professor and structural engineer of university of Stuttgart, Germany and Mr. Thomas Mutscler, a renowned geo-technologist from Germany and experts from IIT Madras and Gauhati and Mandi. After two days deliberations, the experts finalized the teaching and evaluation scheme for B. Tech ( Civil engineering )maintaining the general character of civil engineering education and simultaneously ,giving the opportunity for students to tackle realistic problems of Himalayan region. Research areas and corresponding laboratory requirements were also identified for holistic and sustainable developments of Himalayan region.
