Acoustics and Vibration Lab (AVL)
Academic programs to be supported:
Teaching UG & PG Courses
Brief details of lab:
The Acoustics and Vibration Laboratory is intended to provide state of art teachingand research facility in the area of Acoustics and Vibration. The lab will supplementUG and PG courses and provide the hands on experience with latest experimentaltechnology used. This exposure will enhance student’s skills and also help them todeeply understand the subject. The lab will also provide research facility to PG and
PhD students for pursuing advanced research topics in this area.
Faculty incharge:
Dr. Arpan Gupta and Prof. S.C. Jain
Broad research areas:
Acoustics and Vibration
Users & potential collaborators:
a) Institute faculty members: Dr. Atul Dhar,
Dr. Rajesh Ghosh,
Dr. Rahul Vaish,
Dr. Vishwanath Balakrishnan,
Dr. Padmanabhan Rajan,
Dr. Bharat Singh Rajpurohit,
Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Prof. S.C. Jain
b) Industries:Lloyd, (under discussion)
List of existing facility in lab
1. Acoustic Enclosure
2. GRAS microphone – 0.5 inch, 0.25 inch.
3. Surface Microphone
4. Low noise microphone
4. Sound Level Meter – CESVA
5. Accelerometers – single axis, tri-axial, high temperature
6. Impact hammer
7. Shaker
8. Polytech Laser Vibrometer
9. Data Acquisition – NI
10 Software – COMSOL
11. Speakers
12. Impedance tube