
School of Engineering

Biomechanics Research Lab


Academic programs to be supported/Teaching UG & PG Courses:

Biomechanics or Mechanics of Human Body (Elective for UG and PG)

Brief details of lab:

Biomechanics is the study of biological structuresuch as human structure, animal structure, cell structure etc. by mean of the method ofthe mechanics. It can be classified in different fields such as plant biomechanics,sports biomechanics, injury biomechanics. Injury biomechanics is one of the mostimportant aspects of the human now days, this injury can be occurred at any time dueto accident, arthritis and post traumatic disorder. The purpose of this biomechanicslaboratory is to develop world class facilities, including experimental andcomputation investigations of the human joints, fracture analysis of the bone due to accident and designing of orthopaedic implants. Apart from the research thislaboratory also helps to gather knowledge in biomechanics for UG and PG students.

Faculty In-charge:

Dr. Rajesh Ghosh and Dr. Arpan Gupta

Broad research areas:

Experimental and computation investigations of the humanjoints, fracture analysis of the bone and designing of orthopaedic implants.

Users & potential collaborators:

a) Institute faculty members:Dr. Rajesh Ghosh , Dr. Arpan Gupta, Dr. Prosenjit Mondal Dr. Navin Kumar (IIT Ropar)

b) Industries:AuxeinPvt. Ltd – Discussion is going on (Medical Implant Manufacturing Industry)

List of existing facility in lab

1. Computational facilities

Project Title

2. UTM (100 N) – PO released

Project Title