
School of Engineering

Building Physics and Advanced Material Mechanics Lab

Academic programs to be supported/Teaching UG & PG Courses:

PG: Structural Engineering, Energy materials, Mechanical

Faculty In-charge:

Dr. Rajnish Sharma and Dr. Kaustav Sarkar

Broad research areas:

Advanced material development and study of the various microstructural characteristics, study of the failure characteristics, study of the superiorities and hierarchy involved in the natural materials.

Users & potential collaborators’:

a)Institute faculty members: Dr.Subhamoy Sen, Dr. Rajesh Ghosh, Dr. Vishal Singh Chauhan, Dr. Rahul Vaish, Dr. Himanshu Pathak
b) Industries: Defense, Aerospace, Transportation, Construction

List of existing facility in lab

1. Walk-in chamber

Project Title

2. Workstation

3. Mortar mixing machine

Project Title

4. Small vibrating table

Project Title

5. Small curing tank

Project Title

6. Conditioning Chamber

Project Title

7. Double distillation plant

Project Title

8. Core Cutter

Project Title

9. Core grinding machine

Project Title

10. Moisture meter

Project Title