
School of Engineering

Geohazard Studies Lab


Academic programs to be supported/Teaching UG & PG Courses:

CE 302, CE402, CE 501, CE 504, CE 505, CE 601, CE605, CE606

Faculty In-charge:

Dr. K V Uday , Dr. Dericks P Shukla , Dr Mousumi Mukherjee , Dr Mahesh Reddy

Broad research areas:

Geo Hazards (landslide, debris flow,earthquake, and liquefaction) analysis, Instrumentation,Risk and Hazard analysis, Mitigation strategies, Remotesensing applications.

Users & potential collaborators:

a) Institute faculty members: Dr Varun Dutt, Dr. Manoj Thakur, Dr. Shyam K Masakapalli, Dr. Gaurav Bhutani, Dr. Sandip Kumar Saha

b) Industries:Afcons, Maccaferri Enviro Solutions Pvt Ltd., Strata Geosystems, RMSI PvtLtd, Swiss Re, Geobrugg. c) Organizations:NHAI, BRO, NDMA, NRDMS, DTRL-DRDO, SASE.

List of existing facility in lab


Arc GIS, ENVI, Rocscience


1. Differential GPS

Project Title

2. Root pullout Testing Machine

Project Title

3. Slope Simulator

Project Title

4. Large Direct Shear Apparatus for Soil

Project Title