
School of Engineering

Numerical Experiment Laboratory


Brief Description about the lab:

The computational work in mechanical engineering isplaying a big role in many aspects as it helps to reduce the product development cycle, the failure risk, and the cost, and at the same time it improves the quality the product.However, the students in mechanical engineering have difficulty in visualising that computational is equally important for them as it is for computer science engineers, thiscould be due to fact that there is no exclusive laboratory dedicated to computational in mechanical engineering. This laboratory would be an example for the importance ofcomputational in the mechanical engineering.

Brief Description about the lab:

This is a researchlaboratory and students of MS/PhD/M.Tech who work in computational will have access of this laboratory. Thus, this laboratory is intended for them only.

Broad research areas:

Computatioal Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer.

Faculty in-charge:

Dr. P Anil Kishan ,


DST, Solar Thermal Energy Insturies, Manufacturing Industries.

Established Research Facilities

Desktop Computers