Perspectives on the Ethics of Punishment in the United States and India

9th -16th October 2016
A Course under Global Initiative of Academic Networks
Organized by
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, IT Mandi


In this course we aim to explore some of the enduring dimensions of the most striking ethical issues in the area of criminal justice: crime, law, judgment, punishment, and mercy from the perspective of the United States and India. The course will utilize both classical and modern texts to trace the evolution of thought on these topics; it will analyze the multiple ways they are understood and expressed in the current context; and it will create the opportunity for students to configure the most intellectually coherent and ethically sound understanding of these concepts in the current practice of criminal justice.


Prof. Andrew Skotnicki
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Prof. Skotnicki is a Professor of Religious Ethics, Department of Religious Studies, Manhattan College at New York. His research interests include, not confined to, theological and moral implications of Criminal Justice, Religious and Social Ethics and the Sociology of Religion. He was formerly heading the department of religious studies at Manhattan College.

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Dr. Ashok Kumar M.
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Dr. Ashok is an Assistant Professor of Sociology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi. He earned his doctoral degree from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. His primary research interests include Sociology of Religion, Caste, and Religious and Ethnic Minorities of India.

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Target Aaudience

  • Practitioners of Law and Representatives of NGOs
  • Graduates and Research Scholars of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • College Teachers of Liberal Arts and Humanities
Course Brochure


A1 Building
Kamand South Campus, IIT Mandi
Himachal Pradesh – 175005, India

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