Welcome to Lecture Program on Mathematical Modelling and Data Analysis in Biology

This Lecture Programme, which is taking place from October 27 to 29, 2014 at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, aims to provide a glimpse to students and young researchers of important areas in the field of Mathematical and Computational Biology. The programme will consist of lectures exposing participants to basics of the mathematical and computational methods used, and then will elaborate them on specific cases from biology. Along with providing the mathematical and computational foundation of the interdisciplinary subjects, several case studies will be discussed from the preliminary steps to elaborate development of mathematical models from biological information, methodologies of analyzing the models, arriving at mathematical and computational results, and their interpretation in biological terms.

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About School of Basic Sciences, IIT Mandi

School of Basic Sciences, IIT Mandi is mainly associated with pure and applied basic sciences. This School includes mathematics, physics, chemistry and life sciences. While some faculty may work in pure research, others would work on applied research in collaboration with colleagues in the engineering Schools. To keep abreast of the developments, The Department periodically keeps on updating and revising its teaching and research schemes, and introduce new courses.

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