
    S. NoAs per Institute of Technology Act- 1961DesignationName
    1Section14(a)The Director, Ex-Officio,
    Who shall be the Chairman of the Senate
    Prof. Timothy A. Gonsalves
    Director IIT Mandi

    2Section14(b)The Deputy Director Ex- Officio,NA

    3Section14( c)The Professors Appointed or Recognized as such by the Institute for the Purpose of imparting Instructions in the Institute, including visiting and emeritus1. Prof. B.D. Chaudhary

    2. Prof. Ramesh Oruganti

    3. Prof. Kenneth E. Gonsalves

    4. Prof. Deepak Khemani

    5. Prof. B. Subramanian

    6. Prof. Subrata Ray

    7. Prof. Bhavender Paul Sharma

    4Section14(d)Three Persons not being employee of the Institute, to be nominated by the Chairman in consultation with the Director, from among educationists of repute, each from the fields of science, engineering and humanities; and;1. Prof. Sunil R. Kale, IIT Delhi

    2. Prof. N. Sathyamurthy, IISER Mohali

    3. Prof. Rowena Robinson, IIT Bombay

    5Section 14(e)Such Other Members of the Staff as may be laid down in the statutes;Detailed below
    6Section 19Secretary and RegistrarShri K.K. Bajre
    Registrar, IIT Mandi
    As Per Clause 5(1) of IIT Mandi Statutes, the following Shall be the member of Senate
    S. NoAs per IIT Mandi StatutesDesignationName
    1Clause5-1(a)The Heads of the Departments/Academic Centres/Schools other than Professors, as are not members of the Senate, (Ex-Officio);1. Chairperson, SCEE, IIT Mandi

    2. Chairperson, SE, IIT Mandi

    3. Chairperson, SBS, IIT Mandi

    4. Chairperson, SHSS, IIT Mandi

    1. Co-ordinator, AMRC
    (Presently Dr. Venkata Krishnan)

    2. Co-ordinator, BioX
    (Presently Dr. Tulika P. Srivastava)

    3. Co-ordinator , C4FED
    (Presently Dr. Satinder K. Sharma)

    2Clause5-1(b)The Deans and Associate Deans Other than Professors, as are not Members Of the Senate, ( Ex-Officio);Deans:
    1. Dean (Academics), IIT Mandi

    2. Dean (F&A), IIT Mandi

    3. Dean (Students), IIT Mandi

    4. Dean (I&S), IIT Mandi

    5. Dean (SRIC) , IIT Mandi

    6. Dean (Faculty), IIT Mandi

    Associate Deans:
    1. Associate Dean (Course), IIT Mandi

    2. Associate Dean (Research), IIT Mandi

    3. Associate Dean (SRIC), IIT Mandi

    4. Associate Dean (International Relations), IIT Mandi

    5. Associate Dean (Recruitment), IIT Mandi

    6. Associate Dean (Finance and Accounts), IIT Mandi

    3Clause5-1(c)The Librarian of the Institute, (Ex-Officio);Deputy Librarian, IIT Mandi (in absence of Librarian)

    Chair, Library Advisory Committee (LAC)

    4Clause5-1(d)One Chief warden by rotation to be nominated by the director for a period of one year Chief Warden, IIT Mandi
    5Clause5-1(e)Not more than six other members of the academic staff for their special knowledge appointed by the Chairman after consultation with the Director for such period as may be specified by the Chairman;

    As the Institute is new without all permanent faculty being Assistant Professor & Associate Professor, the number is increased to give representation to all disciplines.
    Course Interest Group:
    1. Dr. Arnav Bhavsar Vinayak (SAP Advisor)

    2. Dr. Dileep A. D. ( CIG- CSE)

    3. Dr. Dhiraj V. Patil (CIG- ME)

    4. Dr. Deepak Swami (CIG- CE)

    School Representatives:
    1. Dr. Rahul Vaish (SE)

    2. Dr. Viswanath Balakrishnan ( SE)

    3. Dr. Kaustav Sarkar (SE)

    4. Dr. Manoj Thakur (SBS)

    5. Dr. Shyam Kumar Masakapalli (SBS)

    6. Dr. Devika Sethi (SHSS)

    7. Dr. Suman Sigroha (SHSS)


    Research Affairs Secretary: Mr. Ajay [research_secretary [at]students[dot] iitmandi[dot]ac [dot]in]

    General Secretary: Mr. Ravi [general_secretary [at]students[dot] iitmandi[dot]ac [dot]in]

    Academic Affairs Secretary: Mr. Paawan [academic_secretary [at]students[dot] iitmandi[dot]ac [dot]in]