A National Workshop On
Strategic Research Vision to Build a Smarter Grid

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Indira Market View

Kamand Campus View

IIT Mandi Campus


The registration fee is Rs. 1000/- for academic participants and Rs. 8000/- for participants from utilities, industries and other organizations.

Registration fees will cover course fee, course material, working lunch, refreshments during course period only. Free accommodation (sharing basis at Hostels) may be provided on request. Registration fee does not include the travel expenses of the participants. All payments should be through DD/Cheque drawn in favor of “Registrar IIT Mandi” payable at Mandi, HP, India.

The duly filled registration form along with the registration fee should be sent to:

Dr. B. S. Rajpurohit & Dr. Samar Agnihotri (Coordinators)
Indian Institute of Technology Mandi
Mandi-175001, HP, INDIA
Contact: +91-1905-237917(O)/ 08894580096(M)
Fax: 01905-237942
Email: bsr[at]iitmandi[dot]ac[dot]in, samar[at]iitmandi[dot]ac[dot]in