About Us
The Design and Innovation Centre is an initiative taken up by the Ministry
of Human resource Development, Govt of India, as a part of its 12th Five
year plan (2012-17). The Design and Innovaton Centre will focus on concept
to prototype to product transformation as a part of its mission in the
hub-spoke model. IIT Mandi is linking up with IIT Delhi as its hub
institute in the Design and Innovation Centre programme. Keeping in mind
the broader institutional goals, ther Design and Innovation Centre at IIT
Mandi has set forth the goals of developing technologies that are
technologically beneficial to the Himalayan region preeserving the
ecological balance by and large.
The centre is envisioned to provide a
perfect ambience for the students to walk in with some thoughts and ideas
and walk out with a product. A number of technologies such as automatic
ration vending machine, fire fighter, electronic guitar are already under
development in the centre.