To request a new account, please use the (Offline Form for HPC) (for students, faculty, and project staff). Accounts will be created after approval. Usernames will follow the IIT Mandi LDAP login rule. Once you’ve completed the form, submit a printed copy to the A* DCS Office near Stable Complex South Campus. Tel: 01905267000. For any questions, please contact the HPC administrator at Emails must be sent from official IIT Mandi email IDs; requests from non-official email IDs will not be entertained for security reasons.
Once you have been assigned a username, you can log in to the clusters (from a UNIX bash shell) using the following command:
ssh username@10.8.1.xx
xx must be replaced by 19 for CPU HPC and 20 for GPU HPC.
You are encouraged to change your password after the first login to the cluster using the passwd command.
Two file systems are available on the HPC clusters:
/home/username: This is your home directory with a soft limit of 8 GB and a hard limit of 10 GB. Please use the command quota -s to check your quota. Once you have reached the hard limit, you will not be able to add or modify files.
/sd/scd/username: This is the working directory where most of your working data should be stored. There is a soft limit of 4 TB on the /sd/scd. Please use the du -h command in /sc/scd/username to check your usage.
Both the above file systems are mounted on CPU and GPU clusters.