
Submitting Jobs at HPC facility

  • Jobs on the HPC cluster must be submitted using the PBS script.
  • Under NO circumstances should you execute your job directly on the Head node or any compute node.
  • All the jobs are to be submitted by scheduler not directly.

  • Some useful openPBS commands to submit and manage jobs

    Job scripts

    Model scripts for submitting jobs can be found on the Scripts page

    Serial job: Serial_script.sh
    Parallel job: OpenMPI_script.sh, OpenMPIsub_script.sh, OpenMPIch2sub_script.sh, Parallel Omp_script.sh
    Cuda: Cuda_script.sh
    Gaussian: gaus_script.sh

    Submitting jobs

    qsub : Submit a job to the default queue (submit)
    qsub -q : Submit a job to a particular queue
    qsub -I : Submit a job for an interactive run (will return a prompt when job is run)
    qsub -h : Submit a job and put a hold on it (useful for starting jobs with dependencies)

    Checking job status

    qsub : qstat -q : List jobs in a specific queue
    qstat -u :List jobs for a particular user

    Other job-related commands

    qrls : release a hold on a job
    qdel : stop and remove a job from pbs
    pbsnodes: List the status of all the compute nodes

    Instructions for Submitting Gaussian runs

    Note: The Gaussian users should ask for access to the Gaussian package, users by default do not have access to it. Access can be requested at hpc@iitmandi.ac.in

    Login to server with -Y option to enable X forwarding

    For the new cluster

    Login to server with -Y option to enable X forwarding
    ssh -Y username@
    Step 0: Add following lines to end of your /home/username/.bashrc file
    export PATH=$PATH:/opt/soft/share/g09
    export PATH=$PATH:/opt/soft/share/g09/gv
    export GAUSS_EXEDIR=/opt/soft/share/g09
    export g09root=”/opt/soft/share/g09″
    export GV_DIR=”${g09root}/gv”
    to access ghostview type

    Do not submit the Gaussian runs from ghostview window

    After preparing the input file, i.e., the —-.com file, specify number of threads required at the beginning of this file – alternatively you can do it from the gv window %nprocshared=4

    Note that Gaussian is inefficient in running in parallel, for large systems use maximum of 8 threads, usually 2-4 threads are sufficient.

    Model script of submitting Gaussian programs can be downloaded from here

    Instructions to be used in the submit script downloaded

    run the program with same number of processors specified in the —-.com file – in case of
    #PBS -l ncpus=4
    Please make sure that these two numbers are equal for efficient utilization of available resources and give correct information to the scheduler.
    finally submit the script for running using
    $qsub gaus.sh