General details

  1. Project is of one year duration
  2. Supervised research exposure in Winter of first year having 2 credits.
  3. Project starts from the summer following first year and extends to third and fourth semesters. The summer part of the project carries 1 credit.

Minimum credit requirements:

Course typecredits
Discipline core 19
Supervised research exposure (SRE)2
Project 28
Open electives 8
Technical communication 1
Total 70

Semester wise course list is provided below


Red colored subjects are Discipline core and/or mandatory.

List of discipline electives

Information Theory and Coding Creative Engineering Design Speech Processing Wireless Communciation Optical Communciation
Statistical Signal Processing Computer Networks Analysis Computer Vision Pattern Recognition IoT Systems
Linear Dynamical Systems Deep Learning and Applications Biomedical Systems Digital Image Processing Radiating Systems

Open Electives

Any graduate level course outside of the Communications and Signal Processing discipline from the School or from other Schools is acceptable as open electives.