Official Documents
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- Non-Faculty Staff Structuring and Recruitment & Promotion Norms - 2016.
- Sponsored Research & Industrial Consultancy (SRIC) - Rules and Regulations for Sponsored Research & Industrial Consultancy at IIT Mandi.
- Statutes of IIT Mandi English Version
- The Institute of Technology Act, 1961- An Act to declare certain institutions of technology to be institutions of national importance.
- The Institute of Technology (Amendment) Act, 2012-IIT Mandi gets legal approval by the Act of Parliament, 10 July 2012
- OFFICE MEMORANDUM - Guidelines for conducting written examination for persons with Disabilities
- RE-CONSTITUTION OF APPELLATE COMMITTEE BY MHRD - Re-Constitution of Appellate Committee by MHRD
- STAFF POSITION AS ON 31.3.2012 -The Break up of Faculty & Non Faculty (In position) as on 31st March, 2012 .
- STORES AND PURCHASE RULES - The Stores and Purchase Rules of IIT Mandi duly approved by Board of Governors for procurement of different stores and services required for day to day functioning of the institute .
- IIT MANDI - CODE OF CONDUCT - Defines the boundary between acceptable and nonacceptable conduct of students. This is not a set of laws but rather of self proclamation by students. Rational for each of the codes is also given along with the code.
- CURRICULUM VITAE - Prof. Timothy A. Gonsalves has joined as Director, IIT Mandi on Jan 15, 2010. He took Charge at Roorkee from Prof. S.C.Saxena, Director IIT Roorkee. A hearty welcome to Prof. Gonsalves. Prof. Gonsalves' research interests are design and performance of computer and telecom networks, NMS and telecom billing.
- IIT MANDI - A SOCIETY - Indian Institute of Technology Mandi is certified and registered as a society under the Society Registration act of 1860, on 20 June, 2009.
- FOUNDATION STONE - Foundation stone of IIT Mandi laid at Kamand-On Tuesday, February 24, 2009 the foundation stone of Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi was laid by sri Anand Sharma, Hon'ble Union Minister of State of External Affairs and information and Bordcasting, in August presence of Prof.Prem Kumar Dhumal, the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh and other Ministers were also present.
- NOTIFICATION - IIT Roorkee is the mentor IIT for Indian Institute of Technology Himachal Pradesh and the Chairman, BOG, IIT Roorkee has been appointed also as the Chairman, Indian Institute of Technology Himachal Pradesh and the Director, IIT Roorkee has been appointed also as the Director of Indian Institute of Technology Himachal Pradesh.
- REPORT OF THE KAKODKAR COMMITTEE - Report of the Committee appointed by MHRD to recommend autonomy measures to facilitate IITs scaling greater heights.The Committee has looked into various issues in the context of the terms of reference given to the committee, consulted a broad range of stake holders specially the Directors of IITs and representative faculty and had the benefit of a discussion in the IIT Council.
- IIT MANDI BROCHURE- Brochure described the vision of IIT Mandi,with a list of faculty, highlights of the institute and its achievements.
- LEAVE RULES The Board of Governors in its 4th meeting dated 29th April 2011 enacts the following vacation and leave rules of IIT Mandi - ANNEXURE 'E' - vide its resolution No.BG/12/2010 (S.N0.6 of Item.No.4.5.2) for the Academic/Technical/Administrative and other staff of IIT Mandi w.e.f.01.04.2010.
These vacation and leave rules are simillar to those of IIT Roorkee except for certain modifications.The above provisions are subject to any amendments as per Govt.of India rules. - CUMULATIVE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ALLOWANCE-On the recommendation of the Director, the Chairman Board of Governors, is pleased to approve the implementation of the Cumulative Professional Development Allowance (PDA) of Rs. 3.00 lakhs for every block period of 3 years (Rs. One lac per year) to the faculty members.
FIXING OF GUEST HOUSE CHARGES- The Competent authority has approved the following charges in respect of use of Institute Guest House facility.
- MS/PhD ORDINANCES & REGULATIONS- Indian Institute of Technology Mandi approved Ordinances and Regulations for the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Science by Research.
- OFFICE MEMORANDUM- Implementation of Central Sector Scholarship Scheme of Top Class Education for SC/ST Students.
- OFFICE MEMORANDUM- Expenditure Management-Economy Measures and Rationalization of Expenditure.
- OFFICE MEMORANDUM- Various communications received from Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions-regarding.
Hindi Version