- 1. Anusandhan 2019 Research Scholars Fair, 1st June, 2019
Until 2004, it was known that jellyfish existed in the oceans ~600 mya (million years ago); ~400 mya vertebrates (fish) were common in the oceans but not found on land;. Read the full speech... - 2. Foundation Day Speech, 24th February 2019
Ten years ago on 24th February 2009 the Foundation Stone of IIT Mandi was laid in the grassy terraces of Kamand amidst a couple of stables and a few horses. Read the full speech... - 3. Republic Day, 26th January 2019
Republic Day on 26th Jan marks the coming into force of the Constitution. The Constitution supplanted British laws, regional traditions and cultures, religious books as the foundational principles of our laws. Read the full speech...
- 1. Independence Day, 15th August 2018
Today, we are commemorating 71 years of Independence. Our forefathers earned our free-dom from foreign rule. Do we today deserve this freedom? Read the full speech... - 2. Welcome Speech of PG Orientation_13th August 2018
Welcome! Especially to the new students of MA (Development Studies), the first PG programme in SHSS. Read the full speech... - 3. IIT Mandi 1st Alumni Meeting
On 26th May 2018, Prof. T.A. Gonsalves, Director, along with faculty students and staff, warmly welcomed alumni to the 1st Alumni Meeting held in Kamand. His presentation highlighted new initiatives and developments of the Institute. He invited the alumni to join in an ongoing partnership with their alma mater, for mutual benefit. Read the full speech...
- 1. Independence Day, 15th August 2017
70 years ago, Mahatma Gandhi led India to freedom. During the freedom struggle since about1920, Gandhi had placed great emphasis on khadi and swaraj. Indeed, he said that the two were practically synonymous. Read the full speech...
- 1. B.Tech Orientation 1st August 2016
On 1st August 2016, 150 B.Tech. (a record high) students joined IIT Mandi. In his welcome speech to the students, parents and families, Prof. Gonsalves spoke about how the next 4 years at IIT Mandi will prepare students for a world of ever-increasing change. Read the full speech... - 2. Graduation Dinner 20th May 2016
IIT Mandi celebrated the imminent graduation of over 140 students on 20th May, 2016. It was a historic event, as for the first time M.Sc. and M.Tech. Students are graduating along with the B.Tech. and M.S. students and Ph.D. Scholars. Prof. Gonsalves (Director, IIT Mandi) congratulated the graduating students and their teachers, while forwarding his best wishes for their future endeavors. Read the full speech... - 3. 3rd CII-IIT Industry Academia Conclave May 2016
The Industry-Academia Conclave on May 15 was organized amid a purposeful and enthusiastic participation by the attendees. The Chief Guest at the Conclave was Padma Shri Prof. Ashok Jhunjunwala. Prof. Timothy A. Gonsalves, Director IIT Mandi, provided an overview of the capabilities at IIT Mandi. See the full details... - 4. Foundation Day 2016
On the occasion of the 7th Foundation Day of IIT Mandi, Prof. Timothy A. Gonsalves (Director, IIT Mandi) addressed the gathering speaking about the time when the Foundation Stone was laid in Kamand on 24th February 2009, before IIT Mandi had any faculty, students, staff. Read the full speech...