
School of
Computing and Electrical Engineering

Signal Processing and Communication Lab

To understand the communication systems and implementation of theory is not easy without support of laboratory experiments and demonstrations. The SPCOM (Signal Processing and Communication) lab provides the necessary facility to execute the lab experiment to undergraduate and post graduate students in Electrical engineering. The objective of SPCOM lab is to give good understanding to students with the rapidly evolving world of modern communications. The students can be performed multiple experiments in communication theory by using lab instruments.

Signal Processing and Communication Lab In-charge

Dr. Satyajit Thakor
Asst. Professor
Phone: 267150
EMail: satyajit
Home Page

Signal Processing and Communication Lab Staff

Seema Chauhan
Lab Technical Assistant
Phone: 267187
EMail: spcomlab

List of Equipments


Description: The RF hardware used in the lab is the National Instruments USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral). The USRP-2920 is a tunable RF transceiver (both transmit and receive communications) with a high-speed analog to digital converter and digital to analog converter for streaming baseband I and Q signals to a host PC over 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet. Software defined radios (SDRs) including USRPs (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) designs to expanding field of communication. Students can do a huge number of experiments using this USRP in communication and signal processing. This hardware can be configured using LabVIEW and GRC (GNU Radio Companion) software.
Applications: Students can use the USRP-2920 for the following communications: white space, broadcast FM, public safety, land-mobile, low-power unlicensed devices on industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) bands, sensor networks, cell phone, GPS.


Description: The RF hardware used in the lab is the National Instruments USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral). The USRP -2921 is also tunable RF transceiver (both transmit and receive communications) with a high-speed analog to digital converter and digital to analog converter for streaming baseband I and Q signals to a host PC over 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet. Students can also do a huge number of experiments in communication and signal processing using this USRP. This hardware is also configured using LabVIEW and GRC (GNU Radio Companion) software.
Applications: Students can use the USRP-2921 for the following communications: scientific and medical (ISM) bands at 2.45 GHz or 5.8 GHz, public safety, user-network interface (UNI) and Japanese wireless networks.

Waspmote Kits

Description: Waspmote is use in IOT (internet of things). The Internet of things (IoT) is the inter-networking of physical devices, vehicles (also referred to as "connected devices" and "smart devices"), buildings, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity which enable these objects to collect and exchange data. Student can do more than 50 experiment using Waspmote kit. Waspmote kit is made by libelium. This hardware kit is configured using libelium software.