Green Activities
Below are few implementations and actions taken for the maintenance of Green Policy in the IIT Mandi Kamad Campus:
Solid Waste Management :
Vermicomposting pits are ready and shortly have become operational; so that the wet organic kitchen wastes from the central mess and all the residential apartments are being fed into the vermicomposting pits. We have been successful in developing an waste segregation system by placing several twin dustbin set of green and blue bins after certain distances in the campus. Where, the green bins are meant for collection of bio-degradable wet wastes for the vermicompost and the blue bins for non-biodegradable wastes for recycling or being transported to the Mandi town. There is also a provision of a yellow bin for disposal of non- organic wastes in the office and hostel provinces.
For hazardous waste disposal, the solid and liquid reagents,chemical substances and bio-medical wastes are separately collected by a local Group of contractors “ Enviro Engineers Shimla” for the management and handling of the wastes. This group is the 1st party duly authorized by the H.P. State Pollution Control Board, Shimla. Since, in Himachal Pradesh, plastic is banned, IIT Mandi Kamand campus is trying to avoid the use of plastic. The plastic wrappers of snacks and parcels are segregated separately in a non-biodegradable blue bin. Thus, we have developed a hygienic, Eco-friendly system of solid waste disposal in our campus.
Waste Water Management :
We have installed a Sewage Treatment Plant in our campus for the recycling and conservation of sewage water, waste water from the entire campus, including all the buildings, offices, classrooms, labs, canteen, hostels and residential quarters. The waste water after recycling and treatment in the STP is discharged into the creeks and rivers.
Environmental Assessment by Research: A lot of researches are going on for creating different kind of environmental sensors for sensing parameters like particulate matters, humidity, rainfall, temperature, atmospheric pressure, cloud mapping and there are future plans for pre-sensing natural calamities like landsliding by sub-sonic sound frequency and cloudburst and thereby taking necessary precautions.
Energy Conservation and Management:
Researches are working towards the development of solar, hydroelectric power, higher energy efficient devices for less consumption of electricity.
Beautification of the Campus :
Herbal gardens and Botanical gardens have been created with a large collection of medicinal plants and endangered species of plants and trees for maintaining the ecology and greenery of the campus.
Some Noteworthy Projects: A noteworthy project of a batch of B.Tech students programme included an autonomous garbage collection machine for parks and beaches, a voice commanded dessicant dehumidifier, and an automated road repairing system.
Cleanliness Drives:
Another important event is the cleanliness drive, where NSS students, student volunteers, some staffs and faculty members spent half a day in the “Swachh Bharat Abhijan”.