A National Workshop On
Smart Micro-Grids for Autonomous Zero-Net Energy Buildings

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Indira Market View

Kamand Campus View

IIT Mandi Campus


Smart Micro-Grids for Autonomous Zero-Net Energy Buildings
Room No. 207, Academic Building, IIT Mandi, Mandi Campus, December 14-15, 2014)
Course Program
14/12/2014, Sunday
TimeTextppt by
9:00-9:30 Hrs Registration
9:30- 10:30 HrsInaugurationProf. Ramesh Oruganti IIT Mandi
10:30-11:00 Hrs Inaugural Tea
11:00-12:30 HrsSmart Micro-Grids for Autonomous Zero-Net Energy Buildings-1Dr. Francisco G. Longatt, Loughborough University, UK
12:30-13:30 HrsEmerging Trends in Electric Power Systems and Performance Analysis of Smart Micro-GridsDr. Bharat S. Rajpurohit, IIT Mandi
13:30-14:30 Hrs Lunch
14:30-15:30 HrsSmart Micro-Grids for Autonomous Zero-Net Energy Buildings-2Dr. Francisco G. Longatt, Loughborough University, UK
15:30-16:00 HrsTea
16:00-17:30 Hrs Integration of Rooftop SPV in Power Distribution Network Dr. Naran M. Pindoriya, IIT Gandhinagar
18:00- 21:30Hrs Cultural Program & Workshop DinnerMultipurpose Hall, Academic Building, IIT Mandi
15/12/2014, Monday
09:30-11:00 HrsChallenges in Smart Grid ImplementationProf. S. N. Singh, IIT Kanpur
11:00-11:15 HrsTea
11.15-12.45 HrsInnovations in DC Grid Technologies & Research Challenges in Energy Systems Dr. Rohit Bhakar, University of Bath, UK
12:45-13:15 HrsConcluding Session & Certificate Distribution
13:15-14:15 Hrs Lunch
03:30-05:00 Visit to Parashar/Rewalsar Lake